Lighthouse Leadership is Standing Tall and Remaining Calm

A Letter From David Longo, Founder of the Live Love Serve Foundation

COVID-19 has created much uncertainty and turmoil in our world over the last week. It is important to remain calm and serve as Lighthouse Leaders in our communities during this time. Not following the prudent guidelines of the CDC would be a mistake and overreacting will cause more potential harm than good to the lives of the people we are trying to protect. Leaders must stop reacting to the inconsistent and misleading information provided by media headlines, the internet, talking heads and those who are using this situation consciously or subconsciously to better position themselves or their brand. Decisions have consequences, and we as leaders must choose wisely. The best source of accurate information and guidance on this situation is the CDC and WHO. STOP trolling for the next sensational headline to inform your decisions.

Did you know that the CDC estimates that during the 2018–2019 flu season 35.5 million people were sick, 16.5 million people went to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 people were hospitalized and there were 34,200 deaths from influenza?

At CBI our standard practices remain the same as they were before COVID-19:

1. Wash your hands.
2. Don’t come to work if you are sick.
3. Wash your hands.
4. Limit exposure to others if exposed to someone with a transmittable illness.
5. Wash your hands.
6. Cover your cough and sneezing.
7. Wash your hands.
8. Use disposable tissues.
9. Wash your hands.
10. Avoid non-essential travel, I like to hope we never travel for business if it is not essential.
11. Wash your hands.
12. Wash your hands (silver lining is more people are washing).

Additionally, our continuity plan has remained consistent. All individuals who need to work offsite for one reason or another are equipped with the tools and resources that allow us to continue to collaborate and support each other as our corporate culture promotes.

Please understand I am not down playing the nature COVID-19. I simply ask that individuals in our community step-up and be Lighthouse Leaders during a time of disarray. I ask that corporations and government organizations leverage their resources to serve our neighbors who are most impacted by closures and cancellations. Now is a time for compassion and calm as we wrap those who are suffering in our thoughts and prayers and stride towards a brighter future.