Why Community Matters

During times of great challenge we are reminded how important our community is to us. By nature human beings are very social creatures. We are born with natural instincts to interact with those similar to us. These instincts are what lead us to create communities around us at a young age. The first community many of us experience is that of a family community – parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. As we grow and make more connections in the world, our community expands, and we become tied to classmates, teammates, friends, colleagues and mentors. Our community provides regular bonds of fellowship and support that come with sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. It allows us to lift each other up in times of need, and connect and encourage in times of celebration. 

The Live Love Serve Foundation was created because COMMUNITY MATTERS. An extension of CBI Workplace Solutions, the Live Love Serve Foundation’s mission is to LIVE a God centered life focused on LOVE. We exist to love God and our neighbors and to leverage our time, talent and treasure to serve all those God places in our lives. 

David Longo, President/CEO of CBI Workplace Solutions and founder of the Live Love Serve Foundation says,

 “I was taught from a young age to place service and faith at the center of my life, and this helped me to embrace the principle of servant leadership as a guide to my life journey. We believe God created man and woman in his image and likeness, and Jesus called us to Love God with all our mind, heart and soul and love our neighbors as ourselves. With this knowledge in mind, it is clear we have a responsibility to love and serve others.” 

Last year, the Live Love Serve Foundation partnered with more than 50 local, charitable organizations across the Southeast and provided more than $1M in grants to faith-based and community organizations, scholarships and educational opportunities and individuals in need. We do this because our COMMUNITY MATTERS, and we are passionate about using our resources to lift up our neighbors. 

In 2020, the Live Love Serve Foundation will continue to support our partner organizations and work within our local communities. Now, during a time of crisis it has been inspiring to see Americans stepping up to assist their neighbors impacted by COVID-19, and we challenge our community not to lose sight of the many other existing charities who depend on our regular support. Together, we will be a driving force of good within our local communities. At the Live Love Serve Foundation, we look forward to using this blog to share more about our partners and our impact throughout the year. We encourage those who want to join us in serving others to contact us here. COMMUNITY MATTERS and our work is only beginning.