Partnership Spotlight: Vapor Ministries

Vapor Ministries is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts at the Live Love Serve Foundation. Vapor Ministries’ mission is to serve hundreds of thousands of people in extreme poverty around the world by building sustainable centers for alleviating hardship and multiplying disciples in third-world environments. They do this by bringing together churches, businesses and individuals to meet needs, feed souls and elevate God in some of the poorest places on earth.  

Vapor Ministries’ goal of bringing assistance and resources to communities in need while educating about the goodness of God directly aligns with the Live Love Serve Foundation’s mission of “living a GOD-centered life focused on love”. This is a large reason why Vapor Ministries has become a primary partner of the Live Love Serve Foundation. 

How the Live Love Serve Foundation Partners with Vapor Ministries
Over the past few years, CBI and the Live Love Serve Foundation have supported Vapor Ministries in a variety of ways. Last year we donated $125,000 to Vapor Ministries, which supported funding that provided some of the poorest people in our world with life-giving access to water, food, education and basic health services. Additionally, this support has made it possible for thousands of people to hear the soul-transforming message of Christ from their own countrymen.

In 2020, CBI Workplace Solutions and the Live Love Serve Foundation took part in a campaign to raise even more for the organization donating $50,000 to enhance the organization’s mission and continue the important generational work they are doing within many different communities. Thousands of men, women, boys and girls are being strengthened in their faith journey because of the dynamic partnership between the Live Love Serve Foundation and Vapor Ministries. 

We are proud to continue supporting Vapor Ministries in their mission in 2020, and encourage those to learn more by visiting