Why We Support Faith-Based Organizations


Faith-based organizations are often the frontline when it comes to providing for those in need. Churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious charities all have different ways that they look out for the members of their congregations while also making an impact on the communities in which we live. Faith-based organizations are often a first resource for those struggling and many provide life-saving social services on a daily basis. Loving others is a core principal in most religions, and taking care of those in need is a core principal for many faith-based organizations. 

The Live Love Serve Foundation partners with and supports a variety of faith-based organizations from the Diocese of Charlotte to Vapor Ministries who we featured on our blog last month. 

David Longo, Founder of the Live Love Serve Foundation, was raised Roman Catholic and developed a deep relationship with God at a young age. His strong personal philosophy of servant leadership is founded in his faith and is one of the many reasons he created the Live Love Serve Foundation. Our support of local faith-based organizations directly aligns with our mission “to live a GOD centered life focused on LOVE.” By partnering with faith-based organizations in our area, we are able to better serve our community and positively impact the people who need it.

 In addition to providing resources and support to those in need, faith-based organizations often educate those they work with about the power of God’s love and how he walks with us in times of struggle. The Live Love Serve Foundation is an organization rooted in Christian values, and by sharing God’s word and showing his love through actions, we hope to provide both emotional and physical comfort to those who need it most. Throughout the next month we will be highlighting some of the amazing work our foundation is doing in partnership with local faith-based organizations. Be sure to check back on our blog to read about some of our great efforts.