Let Your Faith be Greater than Your Fear

A Reflection From David Longo, Founder of the Live Love Serve Foundation

It’s been two weeks since I posted my initial thoughts about COVID-19 and called for individuals in my life to be Lighthouse Leaders during a time of uncertainty. Since then, the situation has escalated as more businesses close, social distancing guidelines are extended and feelings of fear and anxiety are amplified for many individuals.

I know this is a difficult time for many, but I urge you not to let panic and fear take control of your rational mind, body and actions. We have so much to be hopeful for, and now more than ever we should put our trust in God our creator.

Psalm 34:4 says, “Seek the Lord and he will deliver you from all your fears.

If we control the things we can control and put the rest in God’s hands, I promise that we will feel a calm, sense of relief. Don’t let fear overcome your world in the next few weeks. Instead, use your time, talent and treasure to serve someone else in your life. Choose to stay informed of, but not obsessed with the COVID-19 crisis. Choose to be a Lighthouse Leader.

I am thankful that God has placed each of you in my life, and I pray that through this time you find yourself drawing closer to our Creator who is good in all things. That we see how God is working through us to serve people in need. That the peace and joy of God’s love be with you and remain in you always.