What You Doing For Others?

Our mission at the Live Love Serve Foundation is to LIVE a God centered life focused on LOVE. Now more than ever is a time for us to lift up our communities by showing love to our neighbors and those around us. Although we are practicing social distancing, there are still things we can do to make a difference. Below are just a few ideas of safe, easy ways to show someone you care throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

  1. Support your favorite local restaurant by ordering a meal for takeout or delivery
  2. Check-up on neighbors, offering to grocery shop or run errands for those who are elderly or high-risk.
  3. Leave sanitized bottles of water and/or snacks for your delivery drivers and mail carriers – they are working hard these days! 
  4. Donate to non-profits assisting with the COVID-19 response in your city.
  5. AND continue to donate to the community organizations you regularly support. They are still providing charitable services despite this unusual time. 
  6. Donate blood. Social distancing and stay at home orders have drastically reduced the number of blood donations the Red Cross has received in the last few months. If you are healthy and able, make an appoint to donate blood today.
  7. Send a care package to local healthcare professionals. Baked goods, coffee and gift baskets delivered from local shops are a great way to show your thanks and support local businesses.
  8. Be kind, and remember that positivity and hope are also contagious.